Zygmunt Duczyński


April 6th >>> 8:00 p.m. / The Kana Cellar

TRUTH ABOUT CORRIDA - presentation by Xavier Bayle, artist and activist (as a part of '4 days of freedom' project).

Admission - free.


Informational trip through the lie, brutality and death in a bulls' world. 'If Spanish corrida is an art, then cannibalism is a gastronomy. An art? Tradition? Culture?...'

Xavier Bayle, born in 1969 in Barcelona, living in Torun. All the knowledge and artistic skills he has, he acquired on his own. As an author of numerous graphics, photographs and poems he received over 30 distinctions and awards. He describes himself as 'a vegan, almost an abstinent, almost a non-smoker, almost normal. Having admitted that he can't live without creating, he devoted himself to artivism. As a humanist, seeing what his own species commits against the planet, he concludes that the humans should destroy themselves. Therefore he engages himself in a fight defending the most humiliated and innocent creatures of the globe: extra-human animals.'

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