Zygmunt Duczyński



Spectacles of young independent theatrical groups of Westpomeranian region within the 45th Small Theatre Forms Festival 'Kontrapunkt' 2010.

April 19th >>> 4:00 p.m. / Kana Theatre

PIEROGI - Uhuru Theatre [Gryfino]
Admission: 10 PLN

'Dumplings' is a spectacle about the possibility of choice and about faith. It tells of what we judge to be right and true, as well as of the publicly believed ,truths' that we reject. It is also an attempt to define the times we live in and the attitude of youngsters towards tradition and religion. Our times are on one hand the times of freedom and possibility to create and express one's own worldview. On the other hand though - it is the time of ideological chaos, when multiple religious sects and theories arise. We live in times of ,dumplings', for "you can fill them in with anything you like. Anything you don't like - you don't add or you take it out" - as says one of the play's characters.

April 19th >>> 7:00 p.m. / Kana Theatre

PUZZLE - Theatre In False Mirror [Stepnica]
Admission: 10 PLN

"Puzzle" is the jigsaw game of making a meaningful whole out of small elements. The structure that seems to have been set for ages, turns out to be only a subjective construction. It is therefore worthwhile to put it under question, to try to see it in a different perspective. The spectacle refers to various texts of culture: the Bible, pop songs' lyrics, everyday life objects instruction manuals, etc. Although the subject is serious, the piece manages to stay fresh and fun, mostly due to large dose of sense of absurd and humor.

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